Freedom drives excellence

We believe that happy people produce exceptional work. When you choose one of our developers, you’re not just getting a coder; you’re gaining a team member who finds joy in what they do. All based on mutual trust.

Our philosophy is simple: by fostering a culture of freedom, empowerment, and well-being, we ensure that our developers are not just happy – but genuinely excited to contribute their best. Happiness translates into a passion for what they create, driving excellence in every line of code.

You’re not just choosing a set of skills; you’re selecting a partner who is motivated, dedicated, and driven by their own freedom.

Liberated Software Developers

A new era of freedom

  • #1
    Choose your projects

    We empower you with the freedom to choose projects that resonate with your passion and skills.

  • #2
    Choose your benefits

    We believe that by giving you a flexible budget, we enable you to choose what you value most.

  • #3
    Balance work and fun

    Embrace a flexible approach that lets you shine during your most productive moments.

  • #4
    Chart your course

    We offer the freedom to learn from others, share knowledge, and collectively evolve.

  • #5
    Exchange knowledge

    In the world of software development, continuous learning is paramount.

We are DEVCO

DEVCO is part of Detron-Zetacom Groep. With a team of passionate software developers, We specialize in supporting our clients with software-related challenges. We work for larger organizations with complex and challenging IT environments. Our clients range from major enterprises to government agencies, banks, and healthcare institutions. You’ll find our consultants working with Vitens, Rabobank, ABN Amro, KLM, ING, and RIDU, among others.

More about DEVCO

Joining DEVCO has opened up new avenues for me, especially in terms of client diversity and opportunities for knowledge expansion. I am particularly excited about the professional development opportunities and various perks that DEVCO offers, which I anticipate will significantly contribute to my growth as a developer. 

Bruno | Software Developer